The First Five Glamping Items You Want From Amazon

amazon camper mattress camping firepit glamping icemaker memory foam mattress water water filter

There are a few things that will take you from camping to glamping. This is a list of my favorite five things we bought from Amazon. Thanks, in advance,  for using my affiliate links, below. Happy glamping!

A Glampy Girl Wants A Luxurious Bed

A getaway isn't restful if you don't get a good night's sleep. The first upgrade I make on each camper, vintage or brand new, is a new mattress if it hasn't already been remedied. In fact, I won't even use the rig until I get a new one!

The Zinus Green Tea Mattress makes you feel like sleeping on a pillow. There are different thicknesses and depending on how much headroom you have, shoot for the 12-inch Zinus Green Tea Memory Foam Mattress. I had a 6- inch in our first vintage camper and we immediately found we slept amazing.  We put an 8- inch in our newer camper and we have a 12- inch mattress on our bed, in the house. 

If your mattress base is oddly shaped or a queen short, memory foam comes to the rescue. Queen shorts are put in campers to allow walking room around your bed. If you need it to be shortened, it is simple to cut your mattress to size.

Here's how. After the memory foam grows up, cut the liner on the bottom seam. Don't destroy the zipper end. Measure, mark your cutting line with a Sharpy and cut your foam with an electric knife. Hand sew the seam back together. 

Frugal me doesn't throw away the stock foam mattress. Foam is expensive and you can repurpose it or sell it as large foam pieces. They make great, new bench cushions.


 A Glampy Girl Is So Hot, She Needs Ice

After the mattress, the first luxury I purchased was an ice maker. Opening and closing a RV refrigerator isn't the best thing to do and the freezers don't have enough room for a big bag of ice. Having a cooler with ice sitting on the camper counter isn't practical, so the icemaker rates as king of summer camping luxuries.

It is really impressive how fast they can make a basket of ice. When setting up, we get the electricity on and I crank of the icemaker right away so by the time we are done, we have ice. One note, turn it off at night or you will constantly hear the ping of ice being discharged, wrecking that good night's sleep.


A Glampy Girl Needs Good Water

Campgrounds are notorious for having horrible-tasting water and what makes it taste bad isn't good for you. Chlorine and other water treatment chemicals affect only your body, but makes your ice, drinks, and that important morning coffee taste bad. You can read the specs on the Amazon page.

We installed our filter just last year and I wish we had thought of it years ago. Installing this filter took 15 minutes and was truly a game changer. We used to haul gallons of water. It took up so much room and added a lot of weight.

The replacement filters are inexpensive and we have been using ours for almost a year and the water still tastes great. This is not a replacement for the filter outside on the water hose. You want both! 

This filter is so impressive, we bought it for our kids, who have city water. They love it!

 A Glampy Girl Goes Beyond Twinkles

I won't recommend twinkles because they can be found everywhere. Just make sure to get some! These solar torches are really cool. They really look like flames and add that resort vibe to your campsite. 


A Glampy Girl Always Wants A Fire

There's a growing trend of campgrounds not allowing wood burning wood-burning perhaps it is about too much smoke...I am not sure. Either way, with a propane firepit, you can have a fire anywhere. We have never been at a campground that didn't allow us to use this. The added bonus is no smoky smelling hair or camper and no need to buy wood, which is about as expensive as gas. 



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